COLIN BOOTH – ‘A Handful of German Masters’

THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED in the interests of our audience members’ health and safety, and in compliance with DC, MD, and VA Covid regulations.
Benefit Soirées are important fund raisers for Capriccio, a registered 501c3 non-profit. This Soirée offers just 15 attendees an exceptional experience. Enjoy a specialized and very personal concert, then join the artist and a local music luminary for a sumptuous complimentary meal served with outstanding wines sourced by the International Wine Review.
Works by Froberger, Fischer, Buxtehude, Handel and Mattheson. Full details to be posted shortly.
Harpsichordist, Author, and Early Keyboard Builder
Colin Booth has combined the careers of harpsichordist and harpsichord-maker for 40 years. As maker, he has more than 300 customers to his credit, including a large number of Early Music professionals.
As a player, Colin has performed as soloist and continuo harpsichordist in a number of countries, from Denmark to South Africa. He taught and played annually for 25 years at the Dartington International Summer School, and has recorded 12 CDs of solo harpsichord music.
Colin’s extensive recordings, which include many important recordings of early English composers, have met with considerable acclaim. His most recent recording is of music by the great Elizabethan master William Byrd, The Melodious Birde – Keyboard Music by William Byrde played on three different and appropriate instruments from his workshop. Other recordings of early English composers include Peter Philips – The English Exile; Purcell – The English Orpheus; and William Croft Keyboard Music. Colin is currently preparing a 4-CD complete recording of Bach’s Well Tempered Clavier, which follows on from his earlier Bach recording of the Goldberg Variations. Colin has also authored an important book for players of Baroque keyboard music – Did Bach Really Mean That? – Deceptive Notation in Baroque Keyboard Music.
BBC Music “For delight in sheer harpsichord sound, [Colin’s] disk is hard to beat.”
Gramophone “The success of Booth’s performance …stems from tempi which take time to enjoy not just the harpsichord’s tone but the richness and lyricism that is there in the music.”